Short-term pollution incidents for the 2023 bathing season

For the swimming season of 2023, seven (7) short-term pollution incidents were recorded during the scheduled sampling of the country's monitoring network. The following table shows the region, the code and name of the coast, the date of occurrence and the date of the end of the short-term pollution, as defined in Directive 2006/7/EC.


Region Beach Name Bathing Water Identifier Start date of short-term pollution End date of short-term pollution

Eastern Macedonia and Thrace

Rapsani 1 ELBW119012005101 20/8/2023 23/8/2023
Rapsani 2 ELBW119012013101 20/8/2023 23/8/2023
Rapsani 1 ELBW119012005101 17/9/2023 20/9/2023
Rapsani 2 ELBW119012013101 17/9/2023 20/9/2023
South Aegean Apokrisi ELBW149283101101 10/7/2023 14/7/2023
Epirus Krioneri ELBW059089071101 20/7/2023 23/7/2023
Thessaly Kato Lechonia - Agios Minas ELBW089105017101 14/10/2023 17/10/2023


Thursday, December 14, 2023

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