From the 1.542 bathing water sites which were monitored in Greece in 2015, bathing water quality assessment for 1.508 sites was completed and published since 34 bathing water sites were monitored for the firtst time in 2015.
The bathing water quality assessment was carried out through statistical analysis of the bathing water quality data set from the year 2012 to 2015 by the Special Secretariat for Water of the Ministry for the Environment and Energy.
In accordance with the provisions of the Directive 2006/7/EC regarding the management of bathing water quality, Greece provided the Commission with the results of the monitoring and the bathing water quality assessment for each bathing water.
In total, 1.542 bathing water sites were monitored, 1.540 of them are located in coastal waters and the rest 2 bathing water sites are located in inland waters (lakes). The 34 new bathing water sites were not assessed as the minimum number of samples required by the Directive 2006/7/EC has not yet been collected. Regarding the results of the bathing water quality assessment, the classification status for the bathing waters is the following: 1.499 bathing waters are classified as "excellent quality", 9 bathing waters are classified as "good quality", none of bathing waters are classified as "sufficient quality" or "poor quality".
The analytical report is available through the web site and the bathing water quality assessment in Greece for 2015 is available in the the map hereunder.
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