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Annual Reports

The annual reports include the assessment of bathing water quality for each year, based on the last four years, as set out in Article 4 and Annex I of Directive 2006/7/EC.


Coastal map

The map includes all the sampling points for the number of bathing waters monitored under Directive 2006/7/EC. Along with the sampling points, the interactive map shows the bathing water quality, the boundaries of the monitored bathing waters, as well as the pressures on them. The administrative affiliation and the identity of the bathing waters for each coast are also shown.


Sampling results

The sampling results tab shows the results of the monitored bathing waters by Region, County and Municipality, as well as the quality of the bathing water. The results relate to microbiological parameters (enterococci and escherichia coli) and visually observed parameters (tar residues, glass, plastics, etc.).


Ensuring the highest quality of bathing waters is a top priority for Greece. On the basis of the criteria set up by National and Community legislation, Greece has to show excellent results, with the quality of its bathing waters ranking among the best 2-3 in Europe.

Until now the regulatory concept, at both national and Community levels, was based on a parametric approach, with the periodic monitoring and evaluation of specific microbiological parameters in bathing waters, being the only method for documenting the suitability of water for bathing. The overall characteristics of the catchment area draining to the bathing waters, in terms of pressures with a potential negative impact on water quality, were not taken into consideration.

This restriction is remedied by the Register of Bathing Water Profiles, applied in the case of Greece to approximately 1,700 bathing waters across the country, a Register prepared by the General Secretariat for the Natural Environment and Water of the Ministry of Environment and Energy. The aim of the Register is to describe and present the basic characteristics of the coasts, identify the pollution sources that may affect water quality and assess the magnitude of the effects. The Register serves also as a guide for selecting appropriate measures in order to minimise the impact of pressures in bathing waters and allows for a more efficient management of resources.

This interactive website, related to the Registry, aims not only at informing the public regarding the bathing water quality and the appropriate measures taken but also in accommodating comments and responses by the website visitors.

Ministry of Environment, Energy & Climate Change

Eye On Earth

European Environment Agency


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